GUS Daily Digest Mon, 24 Apr 95 9:37 PST Volume 21: Issue 24 Today's Topics: A midi-tracker? GAMES LOCKING WITH NATIVE GUS: PLEASE READ grr, need better patch maker GUS Daily Digest V21 #13 GUS MIDI IN under Windows 95 Live GUS band playing... LucasArts Games Response: Teac-55A & over clocking Sound Station crashing unsubscribe USS16 where is it!! Windows Nt Standard Info: - Meta-info about the GUS can be found at the end of the Digest. - Before you ask a question, please READ THE FAQ. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 16:49:58 +0300 (EET DST) From: Simo P Lankinen Subject: A midi-tracker? Message-ID: Someone has asked this before, I know ... Is there a tracker-style (like all those mod-trackers) midi-composing program for GUS? Somewhere I read of Ram-tracker but I haven't been able to find it anywhere. Please let me now where I could find such a program if there is one. Simo ~ Simo Lankinen ~ ~ 358 (9)0 753 6787 Rautalammintie 3 C 603 00550 Hki Finland ~ ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 23 Apr 1995 15:34:03 -0400 (EDT) From: Daniel LeBlanc Subject: GAMES LOCKING WITH NATIVE GUS: PLEASE READ On Wed, 5 Apr 1995, Daniel LeBlanc wrote: > I tought i'd not experience lock-ups again when playing native-support > GUS games ever since i lowered my BUS CLK to CLCK/6 and using low IRQs > like 5 and 7. > > Well, it doesit again... But this time i think it's APOGEE. > I had ROTT sharware and everything was fine. I installed REGISTERED 1.2 > and now it locks up unless i don't use my GUS for SFX. > > Any Idea? any help appreciated... > > -Daniel > I apologize to APOGEE... I realized something was wrong when DESCENT end DOOM began to hang too.. That was since my BIOS losts all it's data... but i said to my self: bah! anyways the default settings are very conservatives: CLKDIV/6 and maximum wait states always... but! (I Understand that the GUS is very sensitive with timings...) I found a setting in the advanced chipset settings that makes the difference between a locking and a non-locking game: DELAY ON BACK TO BACK IO (or something like that). This was disabled (default) and when i enabled it... TADA ! no more lock-ups in any NATIVELY suported GUS game. I think this CLKDIV and DELAY stuff should be in the FAQ.. don't you ? -Daniel ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 11:10:01 GMT From: Clarke Brunt Subject: Re: grr, need better patch maker >hey all, I've had it with patch maker lite. I was ticked when I couldn't >put stereo wavs in it, and now I'm more ticked that it is a war zone of >errors under win95. Now before u go blaming it on poor Win95, realize >the quality of pmaker lite...snicker. Seriously, I need a good patch >making program which allows stereo 16-bit samples and is easy to use, but >powerful. Thanks for any help. I don't know about the Win95 problems, and it would be nice to have full envelope control in PatchMaker, but STEREO? AFAIK the GUS does not support stereo patches, or should I say that the MIDI drivers don't, since the GUS itself is capable of almost anything - you could use two of its voices simultaneously to play a stereo patch - but as I said, there is no defined file format for a stereo patch, and the drivers just won't do it. You can set the pan position for a mono patch (how it is divided between left and right channels) and you can pan it while it is playing using MIDI controller messages. To achieve the effect of a stereo patch, you would need two mono patches, each panned completely to one side, then for each note, play a note simultaneously on each of them. Personally, I think PMaker Lite is quite impressive - especially since it was given away free some time after I actually bought my GUS. For finer control, I occasionally use a hex editor on the patch. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 8:52:01 +0100 (BST) From: "Mark.Carline BSc Elec Eng." Subject: Re: GUS Daily Digest V21 #13 Does anyone know which BUILD the latest BETA version of windows 95 is ?? The preview version ??... It's in : [4.00.XXX] when doing a VER at the dos prompt.. ------------------------------ Date: 24 Apr 95 11:16:00 MET From: "VISX80::GRECNER" Subject: GUS MIDI IN under Windows 95 Hi, I was trying to install my GUS under Windows 95 final beta. Everything works well but the MIDI IN port. If I send anything to the MIDI input port on the GUS, the Windows hangs and I have to reboot. I suppose this has something to do with the resources like interrupts being not set properly by standar Windows 3.1 drivers after installation. Is there someone with a simillar experience ? Any sloution to this ? Thsnks Martin Grecner ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 23 Apr 1995 23:01:14 -0400 From: (Francois-Jean de Brienne) Subject: Live GUS band playing... ANNOUNCE *** ANNOUNCE *** ANNOUNCE *** ANNOUNCE NOIRE CEREMONIE Techno-gothic concert using GUS w. computer held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Esper Division, a Montreal-based band is inviting all over the net to their next concert. Music is tracker produced (FastTracker 2.03) on a Gravis Ultrasound. Band is composed of two vocalists. BEWARE: This is no techno-dance/rave/trance/pop. This is original material AND cover songs of Sisters of Mercy/Front 242/Cure/etc. LOCATION 429 Viger St. East Montreal, Quebec. DATE Friday 28th April 1995 TIME 21:00 (09:00PM) ENTRANCE $7.00 (canadian!) dollars ALCOHOL is inexpensive :-) INFORMATION Francois-Jean de Brienne / Esper Division ( ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 13:25:57 +0100 (CET) From: R.Wielink@hi.ft.HSE.NL Subject: LucasArts Games Hi, A while ago I posted a message to ask if there would be GUS-support in the new LucasArts adventure 'Full Throttle'. I also posted a message to LucasArts and I got a reply. Full Throttle will contain native GUS-support !!! So I expect that every new game from LucasArts will support the GUS natively because all LucasArts games use the iMuse soundsystem and they've got it probably working for the GUS now. (We can check this with 'DarkForces', and soon with 'Full Throttle'). I'm going to make an order for 'Full Throttle' and I will let it know how the support is. I suppose it will be great ! ;) Greets, Robert Wielink ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 10:33:51 +0930 (GMT+0930) From: (9308005x) Subject: Response: Teac-55A & over clocking >> TEAC-55A - Using a pin to swap the audio cables, because originally the >> configeration was, >> GRAVIS MAX PLUG | | | >> L G R G >> G L G R >> TEAC-55A PLUG | | | | >> So, when in doubt, do as the pro's do, CHEAT! >> The drive now works fine. When the channels are grounded in this >> way even the ear-phone jack will not produce any output. >> Tranfer rate from GUS MAX connection, approx 400Kb/sec. From: "Phil" > Which input on the max do you use? The mitsumi one, right? not >the panasonic one? How did you cheat? Do you leave one non-grounded, or >do you ground it on the other side? The interface that comes with the >TEAC will give ~500Kb/sec for me, so I don't bother using it with the MAX... 1) Yes, the Mitsumi input. 2) Cheat? I was just refering to using a pin to unclip the wires from the plastic socket so I coould position them correctly 3) Yes in the end one of the ground conections was left unconected but that does not matter since if you check both the gus and the cd-rom both grounds on each are connected together. 4) At least in OZ the Teac does not come with an interface card so there is no choice but to connect it to the GUS. Ummm... Even though this is not really GUS related I think I best make a last response to the over clocking saga before a large number of people destroy there pride and joy. From: (Dave Roberts) >Just because it boots doesn't mean that it will run reliably. CMOS >runs slower the hotter it gets, so as the chip *and the surrounding >box* heat up, the logic tends to run slower. Wise words... Never over clock a chip without making sure it will stay cool. If the chip boots it will usually run perfectly, but if it does lock up or fault in other ways then clock it back. ONLY excessive heat will damage the chip. I would never over clock a chip without using a large heatsink and fan and a silicon based heat transfering gell. This is the main reason why it is not wise to muck around with intel chip. Intel makes 5V chips unlike AMD's 3.3V versions. Therefore Intel chips get very much hotter and tend to suck up current. Intel chips tend to bake, but AMD chips tend not to get much hotter than Intel's normally do. Over clocking does not reduce the life expectancy of a chip and it does not degrade the chip *if* it is kept cool. I think it only fair to remind you guys out there that I am not a processor expert. I am just relaying my own and others personal experences from the last few years in the computer industry. Some may say that it is crazy and will destroy the chip, well I have yet to damage a single one and I don't consider myself lucky! I also have a chip which is as fast as a P66 for $220 OZ. P.S. If aanyone knows why the supply of AMD 80 chips in OZ has dried up, let me know. __ __ \ \/ / Nicholas Stock THE \ / FILES Computer Systems Engineering --- / \ ----- University of South Australia /_/\_\ Levels Campus, AUSTRALIA -------------------------------- THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 03:08:55 -0230 From: (Aaron Cameron) Subject: Sound Station crashing I've been getting the following message in Windows Sound Station whenever I try to use the midi section. The wave and CD parts work fine, but whenever I touch the midi part, this message appears: Application Error: SSTATION caused a General Protection Fault in module KRNL386.EXE at 0001:6885 SS then exits. Anybody have any idea why this is happening? I just tried reinstalling the entire software (v3.56, bonus v1.6). I have a MAX card. Weird thing is, it worked before, and I've not made any alterations since then, except for adding a small slave HDD, but none of my GUS software has anything to do with that drive, and everything else works the same as before. Ultrasnd settings are: 220,5,6,11,5 (tried rearranging them). I'm at a loss. Thanks to anyone with any suggestions. Cheers, AC /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | *** ***** WELCOME TO MY WORLD! | | ***** *********** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | ** ** ***** *** It's really not that bad... | | *** *** **** once you get used to it! | | *********** **** | | ************* ***** *** ---------> Aaron Cameron <--------- | | **** **** *********** Memorial University of Newfoundland | | ***** ***** ***** ---> <--- | \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 23 Apr 1995 23:46:56 +0200 (MET DST) From: Martin Strandos Subject: unsubscribe unsubscribe Martin Strandos ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 05:02:39 -0400 (EDT) From: Daniel Gelinas Subject: USS16 where is it!! Message-ID: I'm a little disapointed about the reponses I've been getting off the net. I write a message to gravis, about what programs do ADPCM compression, they e-mail back saying USS16 is the only one, BUT THEY DON'T TELL ME WHERE THE SMEG TO GET IT! I even wrote back a second time, I asked why it wasn't included on the cd-rom or in the installation diskettes, and _where_ could I find it. THe response I got was that it was too buggy to be included in the distribution, and... that's it. So can someone PLEASE tell me where I can get USS16, if it is at all available. Or ANY other program to us the ADPCM compression. I love my GUS but I'm a little ticked off to have paid money for something I can't use! Daniel Gelinas ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 23 Apr 1995 14:06:56 PDT From: Scott Hansma Subject: Re: Windows Nt > Date: Tue, 11 Apr 95 00:29:13 PDT > From: (Joseph Yap Tian Peng) > Subject: Windows Nt > > Hi! Could any tell me how to get the GUS Max to work under Windows Nt? > with a configuration of : cpu: pentium 90 > Problem: the installation program can't detect the card under Windows NT. > I've tried install first under Dos and installing the drivers into > my windows directory and then installing the NT operating system > over it but it does'nt work! Is there a work around here? As far as I know, there isn't any way to get Win NT to use GUS sound -- it doesn't use regular DOS or Windows 3.x drivers, and gravis has (probably wisely) decided not to waste their time developing drivers for an unused OS. My advice is to endure running without sound for a while, and then get Win 95 when it comes out (it works fine with the GUS, and is generally a lot better than NT). ------------------------------ End of GUS Daily Digest V21 #24 ******************************* To post to tomorrow's digest: To (un)subscribe or get help: To contact a human (last resort): FTP Sites Archive Directories --------- ------------------- Main N.American Site: pub/packages/gravis systems/ibmpc/ultrasound pub/ultrasound Main Asian Site: PC/ultrasound Main European Site: packages/ultrasound Main Australian Site: /ultrasound/general /ultrasound/submit South African Site: /pub/packages/ultrasound Submissions: pub/pc/ultrasound/submit Newly Validated Files: pub/pc/ultrasound Mirrors: mirror/ultrasound pc/ultrasound pub/msdos/ultrasound Gopher Sites Menu directory ------------ -------------- Main Site: packages/ultrasound WWW Pages --------- Main Site: Main European Site: Main Australian Site: Mirrors: GUS digest: MailServer For Archive Access: Email to Email to New Submit Files Mailing List: Email to with content "subscribe epas-list " Hints: - Get the FAQ from the FTP sites or the request server. - Mail to for info about other GUS related mailing lists (programmers, musicians, etc.).